IAPB Vision Atlas Now Launched

IAPB Vision Atlas Now Launched

The World Council of Optometry (WCO) would like to congratulate the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) on the official launch of the Vision Atlas! IAPB officially launched the Vision Atlas during a meeting of the United Nations Friends of Vision Group organized by the UN Ambassadors from Antigua & Barbuda, Bangladesh and Ireland and addressed by H.E. Volkan Bozkir, President of the UN General Assembly.
The Vision Atlas contains important new estimates on the causes, magnitude and projections of vision loss from The Vision Loss Expert Group (VLEG), as well as key evidence from the recently launched The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health.
The key messages from the Vision Atlas are:

Eye care needs are expected to increase substantially; projections estimate half of the global population (4.8 billion) will need access to regular eye care services to prevent and treat sight loss by 2050.

IAPB’s Vision Atlas is a wealth of information relevant to businesses, eye hospitals, research centres, universities, policy makers and NGOs. Given that so much of vision loss is a consequence of inequity and lack of access for the most disadvantaged members of our global community, the Vision Atlas is an important resource for those responsible for achieving universal health coverage and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2021 launch provides a rich mix of data, narratives and interactive presentation tools that make it easy to understand and present complex data sets accessibly to our broad audiences.