There has been much talk and speculation over the oncoming legalization of marijuana and what its impact on our society will be. This discussion and the consultations taking place are welcomed, but we have noticed that they fail to include any mention of the serious impact on health and safety in the workplace. Problems already exist due to legalized drugs, including legal medical marijuana, in the workplace.
The Ontario Government consultation, in fact, does not even mention the impact that this will have on Health and Safety in the workplace. This is, in our opinion, a glaring omission.
Click here to read the full article.
Visit to view the full article online.
The OGCA will no longer be producing this Guide as it was no longer up to date and contained a serious flaw that is not supported by OGCA. Under Section 6.1 Mandatory Material - Bank Reference the OGCA does not support the submission of any information other than a reference letter from a proponent’s financial institution. The remaining information especially where a project is Bonded is not relevant and in the case of private companies not open to public review. Bonds make such information completely unnecessary.
CCA has released the CCDC 10 document, a newer version strongly based on our original but more current with recent trends. OGCA will be making the document available to owners and members at no charge.
Prequalified Companies Invited to Bid on West Park Healthcare Centre Development Project
TORONTO – Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and West Park Healthcare Centre have released a request for proposals (RFP) to three teams prequalified to design, build, finance and maintain the new hospital development project in Toronto. The release of the RFP marks a critical milestone in the project, enabling the teams to begin work on proposals for the new facility.
Click here to
The tender documents for the Construction of Fire Station #7-4 at 835 Nashville Road, Vaughan, state as follows:
Membership Affiliation
current documentation to demonstrate memberships in good standing. List of
Membership Affiliations shall also be included on the submitted CCDC 11 – 2016
Contractor’s Qualification Statement.
And the Prequalification for Council Chambers Renovations, in the County of Peterborough says:
12. Proof that, as a General Contractor, you are a member in good standing with the Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA).
This is welcome news for OGCA members!
Safety affects every aspect of your company from the jobsite to the boardroom. We need to work together to continue making a difference by creating a safety culture in the construction industry.
Rob Ellis, founder of MySafeWork, continues to spread awareness to corporate leaders, workers and students by transferring safety knowledge and leadership principals. The message is simple: Safety on the job and proper on the job training is paramount for youth/apprentices entering the workforce.
By becoming a champion, your company is demonstrating that safety is priority number one and that the importance of putting safety first, with all employees, matters.
The League recognizes companies who believe and stand for safety. Join the League of Champions today by visiting,
Congratulations to APP member e-solutions!
bids&tenders™ has arrived!
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) would like to introduce bids&tenders™, a leading e-bidding system that makes it easy for you to review, register and submit bids for goods and services online, 24/7. We’ve joined hundreds of purchasing agencies who have already made the switch. Click here for more information.
The only safety conference of its kind for world-class EHS
executives. Join 100 of the most influential leaders in health and safety in
Austin, TX for two days of inspiring keynotes, dynamic breakout sessions and a
first look at the groundbreaking technology that’s going to shape the next
chapter of EHS management.