Webinar: The Rise of the Aware and Predictive Job Site – Overview of Aon and Latium Job Site Insights Partnership

The OGCA is excited to host a webinar with Aon, PCL and Latium about a ground-breaking partnership between the insurance industry and the construction industry to build a foundation for the aware and predictive job site. RSVP now for “The Rise of the Aware and Predictive Jobsite” on January 26 from 10-11 a.m.

The webinar will focus on using an IoT (internet of things) backbone to consolidate all the best risk-reducing and productivity-improving IoT categories under a single pane of glass and a unified data structure. The partnership brings together the loss data from the insurance sector (the biggest risks in construction) and the power of IoT to prevent and mitigate those top risks (and improve overall construction productivity).

We believe that with this partnership, a community will form to help all construction stakeholders determine which IoT device categories are ideal for their company and their projects.

In this webinar, you will learn about Latium’s Job Site Insights, how the insurance financial model will fund the cost of JSI and the various IoT categories, and how your company and your projects can take advantage of this partnership.

RSVP HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NOTKWfSiTZCvxYdgRbW3Lg