Go Digital with the My Building Code App

General contractors need to make numerous decisions while on the job, many of which are guided by the Ontario Building Code (OBC). However, the OBC is an immense and complex document that can be difficult to navigate. And if you’ve ever tried to lug that enormous binder on-site, or had to manually swap out pages when an update is issued, you know how cumbersome and inconvenient it can be. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for — and accelerated — many digital initiatives. One of these is My Building Code — a digital version of the OBC that is available via a website for convenient reference from your computer and as an app for iOS and Android devices, so you can download it onto your smartphone and tablet. 

Benefits for General Contractors include:

Right now, the app is available for free so that you can try it out, provide feedback and make suggestions for future product enhancements and other codes to include. While the base code will always be free, there will eventually be a subscription fee for enhanced features. Take advantage of the free version today! Visit mybuildingcode.com.