COVID-19 Guidance for Construction and Establishing Your Workplace Vaccine Policy

Despite meeting the challenges of keeping workers safe, the increased risk of exposure on larger sites, the threat of COVID-19 variants, and workers' ability to be vaccinated on-site make the construction primed for early vaccine adoption. Most recently, the Ontario Government announced that on May 11, at 8 a.m., individuals with at-risk health conditions and Group 2 of workers who cannot work from home, including construction, will be eligible to book a vaccine. 

To help better prepare construction employers, OGCA and Fasken LLP are proud to present "Guidance for Construction and Establishing Your Workplace Vaccine Policy."  The session will be held on Wednesday, May 12 at 10 a.m. (Zoom) and will feature Ron Kelusky, CPO and ADM at the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, and Norm Keith, Partner, Fasken LLP.

The speakers will discuss the following topics:

Register for this important webinar here: