Fasken's OHS Year in Review

You are invited to Fasken's 8th annual OHS Year in Review on January 14, 2021, organized by Norm Keith, Canada’s leading OHS lawyer.

2020 has been a year like no other, and we want to make sure you are caught up with recent changes, cases and challenges for employers in occupational health and safety and workers’ compensation.

We will cover workplace harassment and violence including the new Workplace Harassment and Violence Regulations under the Canada Labour Code, as well as recent OHS cases, the defence of due diligence and changes to worker’s compensation in Ontario. Our industry leading professionals will provide practical updates and information that you can put to use to make your workplaces safer, healthier and to mitigate legal risk.

The topics covered will include:

Note: This programme contains 1.5 hour of Substantive content for the purposes of the Law Society of Ontario's annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society.

Type - This program will be conducted as a live webinar
Agenda - 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET)
Program Audience - Managers, supervisors, OHS professionals in-house legal counsel and business owners
Cost - This is a complimentary seminar.

Register for this event today