Ontario Locked Down: Construction Stays Open

Yesterday, Premier Ford announced a province-wide 28-day shutdown starting Saturday, December 26, 2020, at 12:01 a.m. Construction activities or projects and related services that support construction activities or projects, including demolition services and land surveyors, have been deemed essential and will remain open.

The construction industry has worked closely with the Chief Prevention Officer, the IHSA, and other industry associations and contractors to protect construction workers and keep construction sites safe.

This week, the WSIB is reporting 8,440 COVID-19 claims. Only 49 of these claims are assigned to the construction industry. It continues to track at about ½ of 1% of workplace transmission.

Construction has been deemed an essential service only because we have successfully stopped the spread of COVID-19 on work sites thus far. However, we know that the situation is very changeable. If we let down our guard, construction can quickly become a spreading event and be closed down.

Construction workers throughout Ontario will be exposed to an asymptomatic COVID-19 person while the disease is as prevalent as it now is. The industry must be vigilant with its process and procedures to stop the spread.

OGCA is working with the Chief Prevention Officer Ron Kelusky, who will shortly update the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development’s construction guidance document on COVID-19 procedures. We will distribute it as soon as it is available. Our Safety Committee will continue to work with Ron and our members to support our efforts.

You can keep on top of changing requirements through the OGCA COVID-19 page on our website. It is updated regularly to keep you current with tools and information.

If you have any questions about COVID-19 or health and safety, please contact Giovanni Cautillo, OGCA President, at giovanni@ogca.ca.