OGCA Submission on Bill 222: Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020

On November 20, 2020, the OGCA submitted commentary on Bill 222: Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020. Presented by the Ministry of Transportation, the Bill would provide a package of legislative amendments that would accelerate the delivery of major provincial public infrastructure projects, such as transit and highways. Measures in this proposal would strengthen communities, create jobs and increase critical services in the province.

The submission outlines our support for legislation that reduces the regulatory burden to the planning, approval and design process in delivering transit and all infrastructure projects. Despite the support, the submission explains our concerns related to risk allocation, as Bill 222 will provide the Minister of Infrastructure and the Minister of Transportation with new development related powers that, when passed along to an organization, will dramatically change how risk is allocated for general contractors and other constructors.

You can read the full submission by clicking here.