PCL Construction is turning the centuries-old construction industry on its head with a push toward digital technology and cloud services.

Job Site Insights™ is a powerful platform that enables PCL to use predictive analytics to compare sensor data with decades of historical project data to provide insights and predictions. This makes us smarter builders and results in increased worker safety, quality and productivity. This can also be used to understand how an existing building is performing and predicts how it will perform in the future.

By gathering and analyzing Internet of Things (IoT) data, PCL is improving its processes to increase safety, efficiency and productivity while positioning itself as a future-ready builder. This also allows PCL to support virtually any IoT hardware device for reliable, cost effective sensors that are suitable for the job site or structure.

JSI™ is built on Azure and is accessible through a desktop PC, tablet or mobile device. It uses Microsoft Power BI dashboards and data visualizations that show everything from costs to quality metrics, schedules and inspections. It connects the productivity tools in Microsoft Office 365 and uses a wide variety of Azure services, including Azure Digital Twins, to uncover deep insights into the data.

Learn more about how PCL created JSI™ at