Did you Know?

Any problems with a worker’s balance that requires their removal from the jobsite?

Balance is one of the first things to be affected when a worker is impaired.

Impairment of balance can be caused by substance abuse, lack of sleep, medical conditions and certain kinds of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Early allergy medications are particularly dangerous. A normal dose of Benadryl creates impairment the same as a blood alcohol level of .10, which is higher than the .08 limit for impaired driving.

If a worker trips, sways, stumbles or weaves while walking, it is important for supervisors to investigate further. Climbing ladders requires excellent balance. Watching the way a worker climbs a ladder can provide valuable information on their sense of balance. Missing rungs, feet slipping or swinging too much from one side to the other are some things to watch for.

To ensure due diligence, a substance abuse assessment should be performed if a worker is removed from the jobsite because of a problem with balance.

If you have questions, need training or literature please contact Julian Toy directly:

Direct Line: 905-866-7301
E-Mail: juliantoy@myaddictionexperts.com
Web: www.myaddictionexperts.com
Services: Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training, COVID 19 Mental Health Training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol policy development, Defensible Documentation Training and employee Substance Abuse Assessments.
Literature: “Optimizing Mental Health during COVID 19” E-Booklet.
Preferred provider of Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training and COVID 19 Mental Health Training - Eastern Construction Ltd.