Communication & Mental Health During COVID 19

By: Julian Toy, H.S.C.
Member of The Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals

Part 3: Employee Fear on the Jobsite

Now that all jobsites are open, workers may be upset because they’re more concerned about catching COVID-19 than they were at home.

Employers can reduce fear by giving clear safety information and direction to employees. Establish simple procedures for employees to follow.

Spend time supporting and educating supervisors who can then set a positive tone with workers. For workers who need PPE, make it available with a minimum of red tape. Extra time should be taken reassuring workers who must be in close contact with each other.

Listen to concerns even if you don’t agree with them or think they are misplaced. You don’t always have to let someone know that you disagree with them. The act of listening to an employee can make them feel safer even if you don’t agree with them.

Actual safety procedures are vital but remember the feeling of being safe is also key for workers to perform well and feel good about their jobs.

Next week, I will explain how to ask effective questions.

If you have questions, need training or literature, please contact Julian directly:

Direct Line: 905-866-7301
Services: COVID 19 Mental Health Training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol policy development, Defensible Documentation Training and employee Substance Abuse Assessments.
Literature: “Optimizing Mental Health during COVID 19” E-Booklet.
Preferred provider of Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training and COVID 19 Mental Health Training - Eastern Construction Ltd.