Communication & Mental Health During COVID-19

By: Julian Toy, H.S.C., Member of The Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals

Healthy communication is one of the most important things you can do to protect and support Mental Health. In this series of articles, I will focus on one aspect of communication with practical suggestions on how to apply it.

Part 2 Factors Affecting Communication

There are 3 factors affecting how an employee understands you when you talk to them. Each factor is combined with the others automatically as an employee listens to you and affects how you’re understood. Knowing how important each factor is can give you an edge and help you communicate more effectively.

Verbal, para-verbal and non-verbal are the three factors that affect how well you communicate, but they are not created equal.

What you actually say accounts for 7% of how you’re understood, how you sound while saying it 38% and how you look while saying it 55%.

When being supportive with employees pay attention to the tone of your voice and how fast you’re talking. A calm even tone, low voice and a medium to slow talking speed is best to get a supportive message across. You can practice and develop these things like any other skillset.

If you’re online, make an effort to look as directly as you can at your webcam. The person then sees you’re making eye contact. It takes practice because we’re often distracted by our own video window.

If in person, keep your arms uncrossed and lean forward slightly as a way to show interest and openness.

Next week I will discuss the most effective ways to deal with employee fear and anxiety over catching COVID-19 at work.

If you have questions, need training or literature please contact Julian directly:

Direct Line: 905-866-7301
Services: COVID 19 Mental Health Training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training, Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol policy development, Defensible Documentation Training and employee Substance Abuse assessments.
Literature: “Optimizing Mental Health during COVID 19” E-Booklet.
Preferred provider of Fit for Duty/Drug and Alcohol training and COVID 19 Mental Health Training - Eastern Construction Ltd.