OGCA and the Town of Georgina partner on "Collaboration" Seminar

We partnered with Mr. Brian Watkinson of Strategies4Impact (we are grateful to Brian for stepping in to replace OGCA President Clive Thurston) and Mr. Geza Banfai of McMillan LLP, a member of the OGCA Associate Partner Program.

Representatives from all 12 Municipal departments participated, including Purchasing, Fire, Health and Safety, and Finance, to name a few.

A great deal was covered, from the basics of DBB, DB, CM (both) and the CCDC standard docs for all of those, Qualification Based Selection (QBS), Tendering practices and the pitfalls and RISK associated in this procurement.

Both gentlemen strongly centred their presentations on one key point: the need for "Collaboration" between owner and industry as key to maintaining a healthy and successful system.

Brian presented on LEAN IPD – the true TEAM approach – and obviously stressed Collaboration, noting that whenever he attended other sessions, insurers, lawyers, etc. and contractors, "I’ve never heard the word "Collaboration" used so much in that kind of industry setting."

Geza and Brian both emphasized that it’s a new but very interesting approach to addressing so many of the pitfalls, silos, adversarial relationships, etc. in "traditional" models.

There was a lot of good discussion, questions and interest to follow through on other contracts with the collaborative approach.

Once again, the consultation and collaboration between the industry (OGCA) and an owner has opened up new doors and created interest in working together to ensure a very effectively managed procurement system for design and construction.

"I received good feedback as well and hope to continue my momentum bringing knowledge to York Region and its municipalities. I really appreciated your efforts and for taking the time to invest in us. Lots of information to digest and formulate how to apply. But I am sure it’ll become more mainstream."

Stirling E. Munro
Interim Purchasing Manager | Administrative Services
Town of Georgina