The League of Champions – Continues to Grow

The League of Champions continues to grow and we are very pleased to welcome our newest members and patrons. Welcome Northern Structures, Triple Crown Enterprises, Meti Telecommunications Installations, Rutherford Contracting and to our newest patron supporter, the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA)

Leaders are recognizing the importance of building and promoting a "Safety Culture" within their business. More and more companies are creating an environment in which safety is more than just a box to be checked, but is, instead, a culture that makes up the very foundation and philosophy of the company. An OSHA guide states that developing a strong safety culture has the "single greatest impact on accident reduction of any process" and results in "low accident rates, low turnover, low absenteeism and high productivity."

By becoming a Champion, you are demonstrating your corporate commitment to improving safety in your workplace as well as empowering your employees to be part of a safety solution.

It takes time to create and foster but it is an investment well worth making. Become a member of the League of Champions today - it is never too late. Click here to Join today.

Photos: Christian Labour Association of Canada (Patron) and Phoenix Restoration (Member)