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Fast Company

When we’re writing, the audience can’t see our face, hear our voice, or note our body language. Our words alone have to communicate our meaning to someone else.

Grammarly cofounder Alex Shevchenko explains how to keep your personality and humor in your written communications without offending anyone.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/90407898/how-to-strike-the-right-tone-in-all-your-emails-texts-and-social-posts to view the full article online.

Great Leadership

Want to be a better leader? Then try improving your vocabulary. No, I'm not talking adding the latest management and leadership buzzwords or jargon to your repertoire.

I'm talking about adding some powerful phrases to your vocabulary that will engage, motivate and inspire others.

Visit http://www.greatleadershipbydan.com/2019/09/10-magic-phrases-that-will-make-you.html to view the full article online.

Ball Seed Company

Liz Kislik Associates

People need personally tailored support to grow into their roles and to truly be and do their best. Some clients want business advice, some want mentoring, others want a sounding board.

You can’t just let frustrated employees change the rules or stop the game completely. But recognizing which lessons they need to learn, and being able to help them sustain focus and demeanor during the discomfort of those lessons is vital.

Visit https://lizkislik.com/everyones-unique/ to view the full article online.



Conversations about generational differences in the workplace remain challenging and too often infused with stereotypes.Older generations sometimes lament what is lost and those junior to them can feel frustrated by the slow pace of change.

So a recent MIT Sloan Management Review study of managers was an eye-opener, analyzing how managers across the age spectrum prefer to lead.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2019/09/24/the-surprising-ways-management-styles-vary-by-age/#b7cae2a44595 to view the full article online.

Parry America Inc
Rapid POS

Workplace burnout has gotten a lot of attention since the World Health Organization expanded its definition, but that doesn’t mean it’s now officially a diagnosable disease.

Workplace burnout is not just dreading going to work some days or feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your job - burnout results from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

Visit https://www.fastcompany.com/90407792/what-youre-probably-getting-wrong-about-workplace-burnout to view the full article online.

AMS Retail Solutions - Garden Center POS
AMS Retail Solutions
AMS Retail Solutions is considered the industry's leading provider of Garden Center POS Systems throughout the United States and Canada. Find out why more IGC's consider our POS Solutions a proven winner!!
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AmericanHort Calendar

A Premium Member Benefit
October 2, 2019, 2 PM, EDT
Email AmandaH@AmericanHort.org to register

Visit mailto:AmandaH@AmericanHort.org to view the full article online.

Columbus, OH | July 11-14, 2019

Visit http://www.cultivateevent.org/ to view the full article online.