take 5


Psychology Today
If you’re like most people, those pesky mandatory meetings are one of the worst aspects of your workplace. Poorly conducted meetings have lingering negative aftereffects on organizational productivity. 

Researchers have delineated a set of best practices for conducting effective meetings. Most of these will sound like common sense, but unfortunately, they’re not commonly practiced.

Visit https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/talking-apes/201811/how-avoid-death-meeting-in-the-workplace to view the full article online.

Your coach’s job is to hold up a mirror. These reflections include views on how you lead your team, partner with your stakeholders and your ability to add value at the enterprise level.

If you want to maximize the return on investment from a coaching engagement, consider these fundamental and pivotal ingredients.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2018/12/10/the-nuts-and-bolts-of-great-leadership-coaching/#20a0907172f0 to view the full article online.

Ball Seed Company
Aspire Collaborative Services
If you want forward movement, why aren’t you asking questions that are focused on a positive future to move to?

If you think about the last time that someone asked you something that made you stop, think and feel good about your answer, it may well have been a forward-focused question.

Visit https://www.aspire-cs.com/the-power-of-positive-future-focused-questions/ to view the full article online.

Lead Change Group
The best change leaders recognize the individual differences among their team members as they lead change. They approach each person based on his or her unique personality and preferences.

This article offers suggestions for guiding common personality types through a change process.

Visit https://leadchangegroup.com/recognize-individual-differences-in-your-team/ to view the full article online.

Parry America Inc
Rapid POS
Lolly Daskal
The biggest problem with annual performance review isn’t that they’re time-consuming - it’s that they’re done once a year, so important feedback occurs at a single point in the year instead of being given along the way.

A better alternative is a frequent check-in,held monthly or weekly or at the end of each project, or on whatever time table works for your people, in which the employee answers six questions.

Visit https://www.lollydaskal.com/leadership/why-you-should-ditch-your-performance-reviews/ to view the full article online.

AmericanHort Calendar
Save the Date!
July 13-16, 2019

Visit http://www.cultivate19.org to view the full article online.

Save the Date!
September 4-6, 2019

Visit https://www.americanhort.org/Plug2019 to view the full article online.

Save the Date!
September 16-18, 2019

Visit https://www.americanhort.org/general/custom.asp?page=impactwashington to view the full article online.