take 5


Great leaders are made, not born. Becoming a leader requires mastering a variety of skills, but there's one trait that many leaders lack: People skills. Learn about the six elements of interpersonal relationships and how they can help you take your leadership to the next level.

Visit https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/the-leadership-skill-everybody-needs-but-many-le.html to view the full article online.

Switch and Shift
A concise, well-written vision statement – one that clearly defines your direction and goals – is essential for any organization.

Visit http://switchandshift.com/power-personal-vision-drive-change to view the full article online.

The advantages of a diverse workforce are well known, but when it comes to embracing inclusiveness, a company is only as strong as its leader. By fostering an atmosphere of diversity, inclusion, belonging and support, leaders can build a strong and sustainable company culture. Find out if you are inhibiting inclusion through your actions.

Visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2017/08/21/inclusive-leadership-just-be-good-to-people/#37c16da11d67 to view the full article online.

H & H Farm Machine Co.
QMT Windchimes
Starting a business is almost worth it just for what it teaches you about life, and yourself.

Visit https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/297574 to view the full article online.

Some lessons like that come pretty hard. You learn them only by failing, teaching you things you can't learn any way other than through experience. Here are my top three.

Visit https://www.inc.com/john-brandon/3-lessons-great-leaders-learn-only-after-they-fail.html to view the full article online.

AmericanHort Calendar
Monday, September 11 – Wednesday, September 13

Visit http://www.AmericanHort.org/impact to view the full article online.

Wednesday, September 13, 2 p.m. EST

Visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/874922468562940931 to view the full article online.

Monday, October 9 – Wednesday, October 11

Visit http://www.AmericanHort.org/tech to view the full article online.