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Let’s Grow Leaders
In this time of extraordinary uncertainty and change your team has learned to quickly adapt to do the best they can, with what they have, from where they are. The COVID-19 crisis has us all quickly adapting to new ways to serve our customers.

You’ve seen what can be done, despite constraints, as your team works to find creative, even Herculean solutions to serve your customers while keeping everyone safe.
Fast Company
It’s impossible to deny that we live in a world filled with tools and technology that enable us to be connected all the time. We’ve come to believe that these tools always make us more productive, and we’ve begun to think more input leads to better output. Somehow, our levels of stress are normal.

I’m here to tell you that simply isn’t true. You can successfully preserve your sanity alongside running a business and maintaining bonds with loved ones.
The HC Companies
Rapid POS
We’re facing unprecedented times, watching businesses close until further notice and experiencing the first global health crisis of most of our lives.

With the world shifting before our eyes, impacting the health of the globe, economic growth and job security along the way, how do we stay calm as founders, CEOs and human beings? How do we remain rational, grounded and prevent our fear from taking control?
Chief Outsiders
COVID-19 is dramatically changing consumer and business behaviors today. Undoubtedly, many of those behaviors will remain long after the diminishment and defeat of the virus.

How will behaviors shift in your industry? Many customer behavior changes will require new or modified products and services. New market leaders will emerge while some past leaders falter. Many companies will struggle post COVID-19.
Leaders are quickly adjusting to a transformed work-environment. Suddenly, entire teams and organizations are working remotely under immense professional and personal stress due to the spread of coronavirus.

Business leaders need to maximize their motivational ability in order to build trust with their employees and get their best performance.
AMS Retail Solutions - Garden Center POS
AMS Retail Solutions
AMS Retail Solutions is considered the industry's leading provider of Garden Center POS Systems throughout the United States and Canada. Find out why more IGC's consider our POS Solutions a proven winner!!
Learn More Now
AmericanHort Calendar
July 11-14, 2020 | Columbus, Ohio
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Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2020 | Denver, Colorado

Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2020 | Minneapolis, Minnesota


Oct. 5-7, 2020 | Abbotsford, British Columbia

Oct. 26-27, 2020 | Durham, North Carolina
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