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Fast Company

Feeling burned out leads to poor performance, which leads to a further loss of meaning and more burnout.

Instead of just recharging with a break, try these three strategies to avoid burnout.



What are the big marketing trends impacting small business? I turned to industry experts for insight.

Below are seven trends that small businesses in particular should pay attention to.

The HC Companies
Ball Seed Company

Chief Learning Officer

If you don’t love your people, you probably shouldn’t be in the business of leadership.

The success of your business and the success of your people are inextricably linked. One cannot succeed without the other.


Leadership & Learning with Kevin Eikenberry

As a leader, we can often bring a leadership perspective to a situation, but we can get lost in our own view too.

Let’s talk about why perspective is so important, and why we must consciously work to build new and different perspectives so we can achieve better results.

Parry America Inc
Rapid POS

Leadership Now

We tend to focus on the bad, even in the face of a lot of positive things. So how do we eliminate or a least minimize the bad? The negative?

Our brains are wired that way. It’s the negativity effect: the universal tendency for negative emotions and events to affect us more strongly than positive ones.

AMS Retail Solutions - Garden Center POS
AMS Retail Solutions
AMS Retail Solutions is considered the industry's leading provider of Garden Center POS Systems throughout the United States and Canada. Find out why more IGC's consider our POS Solutions a proven winner!!
Learn More Now
AmericanHort Calendar
Dr. Bridget K. Behe, PhD, Professor, Michigan State University
Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 11 AM, EST
Dr. Bridget K. Behe, PhD, Professor, Michigan State University
Thursday, March 26, 2020, 2 PM, EST
Columbus, OH | July 11-14, 2020
Pre-Registration Opens February 10-21
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