take 5
Fast Company
Why do we feel so compelled to always be busy? Busyness has become the new normal. And that’s a problem.

Most of us know that when we’re overworked, we should say no to extra work. But we say yes anyway.
Art Petty
People do make a difference. Or, more specifically, the right blend of the right people, coupled with the right leadership makes the difference.

If you’re an executive or top manager staring at a new group you’ve been assigned to lead and concluding you’ve got a lineup that looks destined for last place, it’s time to take action.
Ball Seed Company

Empathy is the ability to detect other’s emotions and understand their perspective. When we feel accepted and validated, it builds trust and leads to better performance.

You don’t have to be a professionally trained to be powerfully empathic. Humans are social beings and our brains come wired for connection.
The competition is getting high for these young folks, and they know it. For them, it's a case of who offers the most -- and not just in terms of monetary value. So, to attract and retain them successfully, you need to increase your offer.

Here are four effective ways your small business can do just that.
Parry America Inc
Rapid POS
In allowing us ready communication in the digital world, is the technology we rely on at work eroding our face-to-face collaboration skills?

Is our blind reliance on Slack, Skype and smart tech hurting us, even as we applaud it for helping us?
AMS Retail Solutions - Garden Center POS
AMS Retail Solutions
AMS Retail Solutions is considered the industry's leading provider of Garden Center POS Systems throughout the United States and Canada. Find out why more IGC's consider our POS Solutions a proven winner!!
Learn More Now
AmericanHort Calendar
Windsor, England | September 1-6, 2019
Charlotte-Concord, North Carolina | September 4-6, 2019
Washington D.C. | September 16-18, 2019
Chicago, IL | September 30 – October 1
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