Register Now: NDC Town Hall on Career Pathways

March 15, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. CT | 1 CE Credit (Pending)
Free and open to all.

Celebrating the community of dentists across the Tripartite, the New Dentist Committee is thrilled to host this Town Hall highlighting the journey of five different dentists with five different career paths. Moderated by New Dentist Committee members, Drs. Howard Kim, a dental director at an FQHC, and Kayla Klingensmith, an associate at a private practice, we’ll invite open conversation on the many career options in dentistry.

Dr. Howard Kim, NDC, District 13 (CA)
Dr. Kayla Klingensmith, District 3 (PA)

Dr. Dalal Alhajji, Academia, 2022 10 Under 10 Award winner (NY)
Dr. Alayna Schoblaske, Public Health, NDC, District 11 (OR)
Dr. LaTedra Collins, Dental Support Organization, Institute for Diversity in Leadership alumni (LA)
Dr. Jarod Johnson, private practice/specialty, NDC, District 10 (IA)
Dr. Kevin Byrd, research, ADA Science Research Institute

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