Meet NYRWA's First Apprentices

Pictured (L to R) Terry Woodworth, Superintendent & Devan Freeman, Apprentice.

Our thanks to Terry and the Village of Lyndonville who were the first to see the value of this program and enroll.

Pictured (L to R), Patrick Nolan, Water & Wastewater Superintendent; Kevin Passaro, Apprentice; David Coletti, Apprentice; Kevin Maine, NYRWA Apprentice Trainer, and Valerie Ogden, NYRWA Apprenticeship Administrator.

Our thanks to the Village of Catskill, Superintendent Nolan, as well as Kevin & David for participating in this new program!

If you are interested in the Apprenticeship Program and would like more information, please contact Kevin Maine at, Valerie Ogden at or Jamie Herman at