NYSAE Plans for Virtual Technology Showcase

All association activities have been impacted in some way by the coronavirus pandemic. Since early March, association executives have been pivoting and reimagining its live programs into digital engagement formats. Many of the associations that were forced to postpone or cancel spring conferences or special events are now planning completely virtual or hybrid programs for the late summer and fall. For most association teams, there’s a learning curve, and a lot of research is being done to find out the best technology capabilities for our needs. In response to the community, NYSAE will produce its first virtual technology showcase. Four digital solution partners will join NYSAE members and guests to demonstrate the opportunities and to answer questions so that association executives can learn about options available to them when deciding to go virtual for their conferences, trade shows and special events.

Join the NYSAE Technology Committee on Friday, June 5th in the NYSAE Engagement Lounge from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The showcase will include four companies: Clowder, Gather Voices, Intrado and NTT/Arkadin. Attendees will hear from each company and have the opportunity for Q&A with each. Registration is free for NYSAE members and guests.

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