These are extraordinary times with extraordinary challenges. We fear for our safety and the safety of those we love, for the stability of our country and our world, and for what we will ultimately see when we push through to the other side of this crisis, not just as professionals, but also as human beings engaged in the shared project of civilization.

It is at times like this that we often search for a sense of community – to bond together to survive, to find solutions, to search together for the light at the end of the tunnel. Such is the power of associations.  We see it firsthand at the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.  In these trying times, the NYSSCPA is doing, as it has always done, everything it can to assist its members with their many challenges in the face of this disaster. We have been working aggressively with our contacts on the federal, state and city levels to provide relief for our members and their clients and their businesses as they grapple with the consequences of the global pandemic. Other associations throughout New York are finding their purpose has been magnified as well.

As association leaders, remember the sense of community to be found at The New York Society of Association Executives as well – a great place to swap stories, share concerns, seek resources.

Together, we will support each other to define a new future for the communities we serve and to make sure these communities survive and thrive in what will be the new normal of our country.

Stay safe.


Joanne S. Barry, CAE


New York State Society of CPAs