Meet Karen Staples, CMP, CASE Director of Northeast Sales | Visit Salt Lake

I have been a member of NYSAE when for the last 3 years living in the NY area. Before my time in DC, I was a member for ten years or more. I joined to network with peers and to stay connected with association executives while learning what challenges and opportunities they are having. In my last job before Visit Salt Lake, I worked for a while in the association world. Having a strong relationship with the C- suite on down in any association is the best way to build client trust and relationship. NYSAE is the best way to build those relationships, including peer relationships that are invaluable to be successful. I love the opportunity to help clients and potential clients unearth the opportunities within our destination and to learn more fully the benefits of using another non-profit organization like a CVB, aka DMO. The unique opportunity I have as representative of a destination is that I can remain impartial and do what is best for the client. My goal is to make sure you chose our destination, and have the most successful experience possible so that we are a return destination in the future. Our investment is not for a one and done meeting, convention or event, it is for the future!  We (CVB's- DMO's) are the first best point of contact for any destination for any size business!

Up until recently, I was the President of a non-profit arts center that is entirely run by volunteers and owns a three-story building with two galleries and a community theater with some rental offices. The challenges of keeping the organization moving forward to meet the needs of the community, while also maintaining our cash flow, building our volunteer base, and enhancing our programming took most of my evenings and every weekend of my free time. I was asked to consult with them because of my non-profit experience in the association management arena, then I joined the board and eventually ended up as President. Now that I am no longer President, I am working on creating a personal art studio and gathering my supplies so that I can begin to create for myself. In the spring, I like to tend to my flower gardens and create a unique outdoor area for guests. For my reading pleasure, I enjoy books focused on behavior and social science. I am currently reading the HBJ Review on Emotional Intelligence called INFLUENCE + PERSUASION.