Letter From Executive Committee Member, David M. Jackson

Dear NYSAE Members and Friends:

Let me begin by saying that the last eight years of being in the NYSAE community of industry professionals have been wonderful. I found it so important for me to get off to a good start and feel welcomed. The journey has been both exciting and rewarding. The biggest lesson I learned was that you must engage in the organization's activity to reap the rewards of your membership. By joining NYSAE, you have already shown a desire to grow professionally and uplift your business standing. Perhaps the best way to describe the experience is this way:

N – Networking. You have a multitude of opportunities to meet and greet fellow industry partners in a relaxed atmosphere geared to strike up powerful and meaningful conversation.

Y – Youth. NYSAE has made a commitment to serving the young industry professional just starting out in their career.

S – Service. You will find that being at the top requires an attitude of service. You are given many opportunities to help other members achieve their professional goals.

A – Assistance. You are never alone. Someone is always ready to assist you on your journey.

E – Education. The most cutting-edge education is available to you. Take advantage. 

I’m excited to be a part of NYSAE. The stage has been set. The future is bright. I look forward to meeting you along the way.



David M. Jackson, CMP, HMCC

Vice President of Sales

Pocono Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau, Inc.