Build With Strength, Connecticut Exhibit at Fire Marshals Conference


Build With Strength, in collaboration with the Connecticut Concrete Promotion Council, were exhibitors at a fire marshals annual conference in Berlin, CT. Joining Dominic Di Cenzo of the Connecticut Concrete Promotion Council were NRMCA’s Shamim Rashid-Sumar, vice president of fire codes and standards (seen here, addressing conference attendees), and Derek Torres, project manager for concrete promotion. The purpose of attending this conference was to engage with fire marshals and other fire service professionals in promoting the benefits and resiliency of concrete construction, including ICF construction. Shamim also presented on The Balanced Approach to Fire Safety: How Concrete Buildings Can Reduce Risk to over 100 attendees.

Build With Strength is a coalition led by NRMCA that offers webinars and courses to architects, engineers, and building and fire code officials as part of its education efforts to promote safety and resiliency and help place more concrete.

Click here for more information on Build With Strength education programs or contact Derek Torres at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association