NRMCA, Society of Fire Protection Engineers Address Challenges at Virtual Summit

The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Foundation has kicked off what it calls the Grand Challenges Initiative (GCI), a multi-year effort to address globally challening issues. By collaborating research and education efforts with a host of expert networks, including NRMCA, the foundation will identify how fire safety science and engineering can engage across four topics: Energy & Infrastructure, Resilience & Sustainability, Climate Change and Digitization, and Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity. NRMCA is a Platinum Level Founding Partner of this initiative.

During the CGI Virtual Summit being held this week, NRMCA Vice President, Fire Codes and Standards, Shamim Rashid-Sumar served as the moderator for the Resilience & Sustainability session, which included a roundtable discussion with Evan Reis, executive director at the U.S. Resiliency Council and other expert panelists. Following the conference, GCI aims to continue its efforts with additional events, workshops, working group development and white paper production developing strategies for implementation. More information about the Grand Challenges Initiative can be found here.

Build with Strength is a coalition led by NRMCA that supports education and advocacy efforts to promote safety, resilience and sustainability and help place more concrete. For more information on fire codes and standards advocacy efforts, contact Shamim Rashid-Sumar at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association