NRMCA Discusses Concrete Overlays at Florida Day of Concrete

NRMCA  Pave Ahead engineer Amanda Hult recently presented on concrete overlays as part of the Day of Concrete at Florida Atlantic University that was hosted by Florida Concrete & Products Association. Designers, students, faculty and industry partners (seen here) participated in a day of presentations on concrete designs, products and other related topics. Ms. Hult provided the attendees with the basic design information on bonded and unbonded concrete overlays.

“While no one in the room raised their hands that they had heard of concrete overlays, they are not a new concept," Hult said. "As an industry, we are working to educate owners, developers and contractors that there is a sustainable option for rehabilitating existing pavements and that is with concrete overlays.”

For more information, contact Amanda Hult at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association