NRMCA Durability Course Completed; Attendees Praised for Earning Certification

The NRMCA Concrete Durability course was offered as an online course from September 10 - 21. It was attended by 25 industry personnel with recorded videos and content on the NRMCA training site. Several online sessions and quizzes were offered to address questions and review of the content. The course was taught by Kevin Folliard, University of Texas at Austin; Michael Thomas, University of New Brunswick and NRMCA Executive Vice President, Engineering, Colin Lobo. Attendees participated in groups on a specification case study using NRMCA's ConcreteWorks software and presented their cases to the full group.

The exam offered at the end of the course was passed by 22 individuals; 18 earned the NRMCA Concrete Technologist Level IV Certification (which requires current NRMCA CT Level 3 Certification obtained at the Technical Short Course). NRMCA congratulates attendees on their participation and their level of success on the certification exam.

For more information contact Colin Lobo at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association