3-D Printed Concrete Continues to Generate Headlines

3-D printed concrete is continuing to generate headlines and interest in the AEC community, reports NRMCA Senior Vice President, Structures and Codes, Scott Campbell. While the total number of 3-D printed structures is small, there is a growing number of demonstration projects along with some intended for use, including the first 3-D printed house for sale listed in New York State on Long Island. Several recent documents have attempted to provide guidance on 3-D building printing, including ICC AC509 and UL 3401. NRMCA is working with ICC, ACI and other groups to develop standards and to ensure that any code changes regarding 3-D printing of structures are not detrimental to the ready mixed concrete industry.

Build With Strength is a coalition led by NRMCA that promotes concrete building systems through communications, project promotion, education and advocacy. To learn more about these programs, please contact Scott Campbell at scampbell@nrmca.org or 502-552-5034.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association