NRMCA, NSSGA Advocate for Truck Policies with Senate Commerce Committee

Last week, NRMCA and NSSGA met with staff from the Senate Commerce Committee to discuss some of the anti-business, anti-ready mixed concrete provisions contained in H.R. 2. In particular, the two associations raised concerns about truck-related policies that would increase costs and compliance burdens for the industry. H.R. 2 contains several damaging provisions that NRMCA opposes, including:

Each of these provisions are adverse to policies NRMCA supports (in the case of the new HOS provisions) or implement policies we oppose. The adverse trucking policies contained in H.R. 2 and the resistance to relaxing regulations is a foreshadowing of what the industry can expect if the House remains anti-business and the Senate majority flips in the 2020 general election. NRMCA will continue to educate Senate offices and work to kill these House-passed policies in any final surface transportation legislation.

For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at atyrrell at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association