NRMCA Provides Training on Full Depth Reclamation Using Cement Slurry

NRMCA Vice President, Local Paving, Don Clem, PE, along with Spencer Guthrie, Ph. D., Civil Engineering Professor, Brigham Young University, provided a Webinar for the Illinois Ready Mixed Concrete Association (IRMCA) cement slurry committee, as well as for several engineers from the Illinois Department of Transportation. The committee is working toward creating a specification for IDOT to allow for the use of cement slurry for soil stabilization and full depth reclamation. The presentation was sponsored at the suggestion of Theron Tobolski, assistant executive director, IRMCA. The focus of the presentation was the use of a ready mixed concrete truck to deliver and spread the cement slurry necessary to improve the reclaimed road base material. The Webinar was attended by over 15 engineers, contractors and IRMCA Producer members. NRMCA will continue to work with both IRMCA and IDOT to address quality control issues associated with the slurry approach. This Webinar will be offered to the broader industry later this spring.

For more information, contact Don A. Clem at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association