NRMCA’s CONCRETEPAC Needs Your Prior Approval Form

CONCRETEPAC is NRMCA's bipartisan, multi-candidate federal political action committee that gives a strong voice to the ready mixed concrete industry on Capitol Hill through supporting pro-business, pro-ready mixed concrete federal office candidates. NRMCA’s strategic plan calls for CONCRETEPAC to be robust, effective and sustainable. CONCRETEPAC’s Gray to Green Program encourages all involved with the ready mixed concrete industry to actively support CONCRETEPAC through three giving programs: Major Donor Program, Producer Member Challenge Program and Associate Member Challenge Program.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) requires CONCRETEPAC to obtain written approval prior to any communications regarding CONCRETEPAC activities. In no way does signing a prior approval form require you to make a contribution – ever. You may grant NRMCA prior approval for up to five consecutive years and can designate individuals with whom CONCRETEPAC may communicate.

Click here to sign a prior approval form for your company today. For more information, contact Taylor Drzewicki at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association