Michigan Concrete Association Hosts Pervious Concrete Summit

The Michigan Concrete Association (MCA) recently hosted a Pervious Concrete Summit for its ready mix producer and contractor members. The focus of the summit was to address the most important issues facing the pervious concrete industry today and to develop a strategic plan for MCA to move forward, reports NRMCA Vice President, Local Paving, Phil Kresge.

Professor John Kevern, University of Missouri – Kansas City, gave an in-depth presentation on pervious concrete mix design. Jim Miller, a certified pervious concrete craftsman from C2 Products, provided the contractor's perspective on placing pervious concrete. Kresge rounded out the summit with a State of the Industry update, highlighting the latest Pervious In Practice publications from NRMCA, as well as the Pervious Concrete Maintenance and Operation Guide and the NRMCA Pervious Concrete Contractor Certification Program.

The opportunities for pervious concrete are expanding in Michigan, particularly due to recent legislation by Detroit city officials that increases threefold the current stormwater fees within the city limits. MCA has been asked by the city to provide input on the new stormwater best management practices (BMP) guide. Much of the information provided via the summit will be incorporated into its submittal.

For more information, contact Phil Kresge at pkresge@nrmca.org.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association