NRMCA Seeks Industry Help Obtaining Pervious Concrete Repair Information

On the heels of the release of the first Pervious In Practice technical brief, NRMCA’s Pervious Concrete Promotion Subcommittee has begun developing three new publications in the series. One of the new documents will focus on repair techniques for pervious concrete and the subcommittee is asking for assistance from the industry.

"Besides diamond grinding and full-depth replacement of damaged pervious concrete, we know that there are numerous pervious concrete craftsmen and installers who have implemented their own methods of repair with success," says NRMCA Senior Director, Local Paving, Phil Kresge. "We are hoping that those individuals will be willing to share their experiences with us so that we can provide a comprehensive guide of all repair procedures."

Kresge will be developing the first draft of the document with assistance from Pervious Concrete Craftsman Jim Miller of C2 Products, Inc. Contractors or ready mix suppliers who would like to contribute information should forward a brief summary of the repair technique to either Kresge or Miller at or by Thursday, March 31. Any available photos would also be greatly appreciated.

For more information, contact Phil Kresge at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association