August Plant Manager Workshop a Success; Registration Continues for December Class

NRMCA recently conducted its annual August Plant Manager Certification class. Congratulations to Cory Wagner, Silvi Concrete, Fairless Hills, PA, who earned the highest exam scores on both exams. 95% of the class passed both exams- it was an exceptional class performance. The next Plant Manager Certification workshop will be December 9-12 in Phoenix. The December class typically sells out; this one is already one-third full.

According to NRMCA’s Industry Data Survey, Operations and Production account for approximately 90%+ of producers’ expenses. Therefore, with a producer’s bottom line at stake, it has never been more important for your crew to be at the top of its game when it comes to efficiency and productivity. Whether your operations staff now manages more plants, is new to plant management and batching, or has unplanned down time, the curriculum intensely covers product knowledge, plant safety, environmental regulations, plant operations and ready mixed industry business principles. It’s a must to support your profit margin.

Click here  for more information, registration options and staff contact.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association