Illinois Short Course Focuses on Promotion

The Illinois Ready Mixed Concrete Association held its annual Short Course recently in Peoria, IL. The theme of this year’s course was concrete promotion of markets that can increase business for producers immediately, all of which involve paving, reports NRMCA Vice President, National Resources, Jon Hansen. Theron Tobolski with NRMCA Producer member Prairie Materials spoke on RCC for industrial parking lots; Randy Riley with the IL ACPA spoke on concrete overlays for SLR and Hansen discussed concrete overlays for existing parking lots. The slate of speakers was followed by the director of the IL DOT who spoke on the challenges of repairing and maintaining Illinois roadways. Of the 82 attendees, many commented it was the one of the best, most timely and beneficial presentations of information sessions they had ever attended.

The event also provided an opportunity to honor retiring Executive Director Bruce Grohne for his years of service to the association and the introduction of the new executive director, Bill Marcordes.

For more information, contact Jon Hansen at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association