Last Chance to Register for NRMCA Online Sustainability Course

There are now 10.6 billion square feet of LEED green building projects across the globe, according to a U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) report. In the U.S., there are 17,434 certified commercial and institutional projects, representing 2.3 billion square feet, and another 4.4 billion square feet pursuing LEED but not yet certified. Moreover, all federal agencies requires their buildings be LEED certified to meet their sustainability demands. If your business wants to participate in the growing green marketplace, you will need to know the details of the LEED rating system and how concrete can be recognized for its strong environmental benefits for sustainable development.

Attend the online Webinar series, "Concrete’s Role in Sustainable Development" this December 9-12 and you will learn about the new requirements in LEEDv4, LEED2009 and other protocols such as the 2030 Challenge, GreenGlobes and IGCC. This course will help participants understand the new rating system that emphasize material transparency with EPDs, CSRs and HPDs and how your business can prepare for the transition. You’ll come away with a detailed understanding of the environmental attributes of concrete and how it can contribute to the green building movement.

Click here for additional details and to register. You may also contact NRMCA's Tien Peng at 206-913-8535 or for more information.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association