Foundation Plans 2nd Annual Walk for Wellness

Please join us on the morning of Tuesday, September 24, for a Walk for Wellness to benefit the RMC Research & Education Foundation. The event will be held in conjunction with NRMCA’s ConcreteWorks Conference & Expo and Fall Board of Directors Meeting outside Las Vegas. Please join us in spreading awareness of how wellness is an important element of daily life, including at the workplace. Your participation is a tremendous opportunity to also support this initiative and the Foundation at the same time. Registration will be $25 per walker and will be complimentary for drivers participating in the 8th Annual Truck Mixer Driver Championship.

For more information and to register for the Walk, please click here. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for this event. Please click here to access the sponsorship form. For more information,contact Jennifer LeFevre at 240-485-1151 or at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association