NRMCA Offers Three Fourth Quarter, Producer-Focused Operations Workshops

NRMCA will offer three critical STEPS Operations and Production workshops. All curriculum reflects today’s current market challenges where efficiency, productivity and technical knowledge must be 100% on target so staff does more with less.

Effective Supervisor Certification Class, October 23-25, Silver Spring, MD - According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the most common business lawsuit filed is by employees against their employers - and the employees cite their direct supervisors as the cause. Therefore, the class audience is plant and area managers, operations, dispatch, fleet and driver supervisors, as well as QC supervisors. Content includes industry-specific, hands-on exercises to develop solid procedures to increase efficiency and profitability using better communication skills with front line employees. This class is scheduled for just once a year-training and reduces risk; no producer’s bottom line can afford an expensive internal attack!

Click here for registration options and NRMCA staff contact.
Green Star/Environmental Certification Course, December 4-6, Orlando - The curriculum benefits concrete plant, environmental and compliance managers. This intense 2½-day course will supply your facility with the tools, information and hands-on experience you need for environmental compliance. Details concerning a producer’s responsibilities when it comes to EPA regulations, the Clean Water Act, discharge permits, stormwater management and a host of other critical environmental matters are covered. The course also includes how to implement NRMCA’s Green-Star plant certification program and is required to become an NRMCA Green-Star auditor. This class is also scheduled for just once a year. Training  reduces risk; no producer’s bottom line can afford a non-compliance fine!

Click here for registration options and NRMCA staff contact.

Plant Manager Certification Course, December 8-11, Denver - Operations and production account for approximately 90% of producers’ expenses. Therefore, it has never been more important for your plant crew to be efficient, productive, and risk and  regulatory savvy. This class not only serves producers, but specifically meets the Army Corp of Engineers' contract spec requirement for batchmen who must be certified in order to be awarded federal contracts.

Whether your operations staff now manages more plants or is new to plant management and batching, the curriculum intensely covers the product knowledge, plant safety, environmental regulations, plant operations and ready mixed industry business skills it should apply every day for your company’s healthy turnaround. Currently, the next scheduled class after December is August 2013. If you have a federal job pending, December in Denver is your window of opportunity for your batchmen to meet the certification requirement!

Click here for registration options and NRMCA staff contact.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association