October Concrete 101 is Essential for All Ready Mix Employees

Because it is critical, every ready mix employee must understand the essence of the technical and operations aspects of the ready mixed concrete business, NRMCA’s top executive engineering team annually offers its expertise to non QC/QA technicians. From October 2-5 in Silver Spring, MD, (metro Washington, DC), people in your administrative office, your sales reps, your entry level operations people will have the opportunity to learn from the concrete industry's leading authorities exactly what this industry is about day-to-day. 

At this level, your staff will have a full, usable understanding of how to answer questions from customers and work better with your experienced staff, while adding depth to their job. Past attendees have ranged from CFOs to new order takers. With today’s continual  challenges, can your company afford to have anybody not understand what a ready mixed concrete company does?

Click here for more information, including staff contact and registration links.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association