Transportation Construction Coalition Fly-In Set for May on Capitol Hill

NRMCA encourages you to join our industry allies on Capitol Hill on May 30-31 for the Transportation Construction Coalition’s (TCC) 2012 Legislative Fly-in and make the case to "Make Transportation Job #1". Despite the clear interest from bipartisan leaders in the House and Senate, long-term transportation reauthorization legislation remains elusive in the 112th Congress (see related item under News Links). The highway and transit program authorization expired on September 30, 2009, and these programs have been operating on short-term extensions ever since.

Congress needs to understand the impact this inaction has on state transportation programs and the transportation construction industry. With the construction industry’s unemployment rate over 17 percent, the highest of any industry and nearly double the all-industry rate, inaction is not an option. Come to Washington, DC, and tell your elected officials there is no one piece of legislation now before Congress that could do more to immediately create jobs and boost U.S. competitiveness than the transportation bill.

Constituent visits are a key component to any successful legislative advocacy strategy. A legislative briefing is scheduled to prepare you for your visits with your legislators. Educational briefing packets have been prepared for you to deliver to your congressional delegation. Now is the time to demand action. Reduced federal investment undermines state and local transportation programs and hurts the construction industry: contractors, material suppliers, designers, equipment manufacturers and labor. More than that it threatens the nation’s global competitiveness, economic growth and the freedom of mobility that Americans treasure.

This year’s meeting will be held at the Marriott Metro Center, 775 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC. To make your reservation call reservations at 1-800-228-9290. The room rate is $274 per night and the registration cut-off date is Monday, April 30. Click here to register.

For more information, contact NRMCA’s Kerri Leininger at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association