EPA Publishes Alert on Illegal and Unregistered DDVP Products

Last week, EPA published multiple fact sheets alerting the public about concerns regarding unregistered and illegal importations of liquid dichlorvos (DDVP) through commercial airline flights.  The fact sheets, which can be accessed here, include information designed to educate the public, building managers, airline flight personnel, and Customs and Border Protection Agents of the concern.  DDVP is an insecticide that is no longer registered in the United States in its liquid form.  Some formulations are currently registered for professional use and when used according to label instructions are an important part of the structural pest control toolbox.  Liquid forms are still used in other countries and brought into the United States illegally for sale and distribution. Pest management professionals are urged to confirm that the products they use bear an EPA Registration number.  Illegal or unregistered pesticide products should be reported to your state lead agency (SLA). Find contact for your SLA here.  Additionally, always read and follow all label instructions.