NPMA Hosts Successful Virtual Global Bed Bug Summit

Over 280 individuals participated in our first-ever virtual Global Bed Bug Summit last week! Industry experts including Dr. Chow-Yang Lee of the University of California, Dr. Karen Vail of the University of Tennessee, Dr. Dini Miller of the Virginia Polytechnic and State University, and many others, covered a wide variety of hot topics relating to bed bugs. Although we were not able to come together in person as we had hoped, the virtual format holds the unique benefit of extended access to the platform where attendees can continue to watch sessions, earn CEUs, and visit exhibitors through the end of this month.

We thank all who made the commitment to join us last week, and give thanks to the NPMA Strategic Partners (BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC and Syngenta) as well as Bed Bug Central, Aprehend, Allergy Technologies, and MGK for their continued support of this event.