EPA Releases Draft Revised List of Pests of Significant Public Health Importance

Last week, EPA released a draft revision of its List of Pests of Significant Public Health Importance. EPA, CDC and USDA collaborated to update the list to incorporate significant changes regarding vector-borne diseases and related research and eliminate gaps or ambiguities in the current pests list. The draft Pesticide Registration Notice more precisely describes both the pests and expected public health impacts and adds several new pests (ex. brown dog tick) and public health impacts (ex. Zika fever and coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2). Other pests have been renamed or grouped with similar species or removed altogether (ex. hobo spider). NPMA staff is reviewing the list and will likely comment on behalf of the industry before the January 3, 2021 deadline. For more information on the list, including the current and revised lists, click here.