California Rodenticide Bill Gets Amended

AB 1788 was amended last week to now be an all-out ban on Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) without an exemption for use of these products during a public health emergency. PCOC’s Chris Reardon, Jim Steed and their association lobbyist has met with numerous offices over the last several days in addition to ongoing communication with the committee consultant.

In response to the bill and ahead of the next hearing by the Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife, scheduled for 9am on Tuesday, it is critical we keep up the pressure. To date, over 2,300 messages and phone calls have been placed by PCOC members. We urge you to make sure that if you have not yet participated that you click here and follow the quick steps needed to make sure your voice and those of your colleagues in our industry are heard.

We’ll continue to provide updates as more information becomes available and following the Committee meeting on Tuesday.