Farm Bill Grassroots Campaign - Participate and Pass Along to Industry Friends!

Advance the Pest Management Industry for Future Generations! Pass Along to a Friend!

Right now, 47 House and 9 Senate Conferees are negotiating the final version of the Farm Bill. As you know, the Farm Bill is the vehicle in which our industry has the opportunity to amend FIFRA, the law that governs pesticide use. Unlike any other point in recent history, this Farm Bill includes proactive language to advance the ability of pest management professionals to defend public health and property from unwanted pests. It is imperative that you make your voice heard to the Farm Bill conferees, so we can bolster the pest management industry for generations to come. Let's do this and secure regulatory reform language in the final version!

Click here to send a message to your elected officials, and please pass on to colleagues and friends of the pest management industry.