The Latest NPMA Grassroots Campaign: Urge Your Congressman to Support the Prior Approval Reform Act

Currently, NPMA and other trade associations must combat burdensome and outdated federal election regulations, such as the prior approval process to fundraise for trade association Political Action Committees (PACs). Prior approval hurts NPMA and other trade associations in the following ways:

•Requiring trade associations to obtain prior approval is discriminatory. No other class of political action committee or political entity, including corporate, labor union, and individual membership association PAC, is subject to the prior approval requirement.
•In the wake of Citizens United, the prior approval requirement restricts First Amendment rights. The employees of member corporations have a constitutional right to join in support of or in opposition to candidates for political office. Super PACs can fundraise with less restrictions than trade associations like NPMA.
•Trade associations already report all contributions collected and distributed monthly. Ensuring compliance with the prior approval requirement is an additional process that is unnecessary, time consuming, and a confusing and convoluted process for our members.

The prior approval requirement has proven to be a remedy in search of a problem, and it simply makes no sense that trade association PACs must adhere to this antiquated practice for no meaningful purpose. The Prior Approval Reform Act, H.R. 2101, will end the prior approval requirement, leveling the playing field with labor unions and strengthening our voice on Capitol Hill. Click Here: Urge your Congressman to level the playing field for NPMA Pest PAC and support the Prior Approval Reform Act!