NPMA Members Climb Capitol Hill During NPMA Legislative Day

NPMA members will be meeting with their elected officials today on Capitol Hill to convey four critical issues concerning the structural pest management industry.  

Modernize the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Position Paper | Talking Points
U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Funding Levels
Position Paper  |  Talking Points
Pesticides, NPDES Permits and Waters of the United States
Position Paper  |  Talking Points
Tax Reform: Promote Economic Growth / Enact a Lower Corporate Tax Rate
Position Paper  |  Talking Points

If you were unable to join us for Legislative Day this year, you can still make a difference by sending a letter to your legislators communicating your concerns. Click here for some tips on drafting a letter to your officials. If you have any questions, please contact NPMA’s Public Policy Team.
"Mosquitoes have killed more people than wars. 
Humanity is going to need you forever."
- Senator Marco Rubio